According to ECO polity, each presbytery must establish a Ministry Partnership Team (MPT), which has broad responsibility for the pastoral relationships of the Presbytery. All members of the MPT are elected by the Presbytery, with membership being made up of an equal number of Elders and Pastors. No more than two members may be from the same congregation. MPT is available to any Session or Pastor of the Presbytery. In Rivers of Life, MPT's responsibilities also include the ordination and installation of pastors, pastoral transitions, congregation transfers, and others. Any questions can be directed to


MPT is guided by the Presbytery's manual. The manual offers a reference for how MPT will operate in most circumstances. ECO's polity aims to be as freeing as possible for pastors and congregations. The manual serves as a guide for the presbytery. You can read the manual by following the link on the picture. You will find important information like the presbytery's recommended minimum salary, questions for transitioning churches and pastors, and the processes associated with transitional periods for churches.