Welcome to Rivers of Life Presbytery

  • Learn about the Presbyterian denomination built for the 21st Century
  • Get connected with a local ECO Church
  • Find information and resources for yourself and your congregation
  • Learn more about becoming a covenant partner with ECO

Whatever your reason, we're glad you're here!

How can we pray for you?

Who We Are

Rivers of Life Presbytery is a group of churches in Western Pennsylvania  dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus Christ. We are part of a national movement called The Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO). Please browse our website to learn more about who we are at the local level and the Mission and Vision of ECO.

Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians (ECO)

The mission of ECO is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. We're more than a denomination . . . ECO seeks to be a movement centered around Christ and his Word.

Learn more about ECO's Theology.

Bible    Reformed

Cross    Evangelical

People Arrows   Egalitarian

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...